In-Person Worship
In-Person Service Times: 9:40am & 11:15am
In-Person Worship Tickets
To ensure that we do not exceed our seating capacity, attenders need to get a ticket on-line for the service that they are planning to attend. Tickets are issued week by week determined by last names beginning with: A – I: 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month, J – Z: 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month, ALL: 5th Sunday of the month (first come, first served)
Children & Youth Programs
Both services have 30 spaces available for K – 5th grade student programs. The 11:15am service also has 14 spaces available for 6th – 8th grade students. To ensure that we do not exceed capacity, students need to get a ticket online for the service that they are planning to attend. Tickets are released each Monday @9am for the following Sunday, and are issued using the same last name process as listed here on this page.
Livestream Services
Online worship will continue to happen at 9:40am on Sunday Mornings on our Facebook page ( and here on our website (
August 23 Tickets
Tickets may be reserved on the following dates based on last name:
Last names beginning with J – Z
Monday, August 17 – Thursday, August 20
Open to everyone
Friday, August 21 – Saturday, August 22
What does In-Person Worship Look like?
- The spaces used during Sunday services are disinfected before, in between, and after services.
- Attenders are required to wear a face covering while in the building and to apply hand sanitizer upon entry. If you do not have one, we will provide masks at the Welcome Center.
- There is limited capacity and socially distanced seating.
- To ensure that we do not exceed our seating capacity attenders need to get a ticket on-line for the service that they are planning to attend, and ushers will seat attenders to ensure that there is 6 feet between each household (typically three empty chairs between households).
- The services are “touch free”. We continue to produce a bulletin, connection card, and inserts but attenders will either have to print these at home and bring them to church or use the available digital options. We continue to encourage on-line giving and the on-line connection card, however there will be a plate at the back of the Worship Center that individuals can drop these items into after each service.
- Please bring your own water if needed, we are holding off in providing coffee or water at this time.
Children and Youth Programs
– Kids reserve their spots for Faith Kidz, just like grown ups do.
– We can fit 30 kids per service.
– Masks are required for children and all Faith Kidz Leaders.
– If a child does not have a mask, there are extras at the Faith Kidz Welcome Desk.
– All Kidz need to check in at the Faith Kidz Welcome Desk where their name tag and the parent code tag will be waiting for them too. 🙂
– After hand sanitizing, parents are given their parent code tag, and children will be walked to the gym with a Faith Kidz volunteer.
– Faith Kidz volunteers will put child’s name tag on the classroom clipboard.
– Each child will have their own socially distant square to hang out in while in Faith Kidz.
– Parents will pick children up at the west end of the building.
– Kindergarten-2nd grade parents will pick children up by the gym door (east doors) closest to the women’s restroom in the children’s wing.
– Parents grade 3-5 will pick up children at the gym doors (west doors) closest to the children’s wing doors.
– Parents must have parent code tag to pick up children.
– Children will hand sanitize before leaving Faith Kidz.
– Families will exit from the west end of the building, doors by the children’s wing, along with the rest of the congregation.
- There is an inherent risk in attending public gatherings and there are no safety measures that can completely eliminate said risk.
- Sunday morning service is a public gathering and carries with it the risk of being exposed to COVID-19.
- I will wear a face covering while in the church building.
- I will use hand sanitizer upon entering the church building.
- I will allow the ushers to seat me upon entering the worship center and to dismiss at the conclusion of service.
- I will maintain proper hygiene and social distancing while in the church building.
- I will worship at home through the live stream if I have been exposed to any one with COVID-19 during the last 14 days.
- I will worship at home through the live stream if I:
– Have a fever
– Have ongoing coughing or sneezing
– Have a sore throat
– Am experiencing shortness of breath