North American Japanese Outreach (NAJO)
– Life Talk in English with Biblical focus
– Craft class on Tue. & Thurs.
– Cooking class 2 times a month
– Home based bible classes locally and SKYPE bible classes with those in Japan
– Evangelical tours in and out of Michigan and throughout Japan for 2-3 months/year
隔週月曜日 11:50-1:30pm
“Lunch & Fellowship / FIRST STEP – BIBLE”

Our ministry is an outreach to the Japanese community. We are not here to establish a Japanese church, but to assist the existing American churches to reach out and do missionary work in their own community. We are here as NAJO and that enables us to visit and assist many local American churches as well as smaller Japanese groups of Christians that are meeting in their homes and churches.
Click HERE to email Shunichi and Masako Miyamoto